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XLPageCookbookCookbook receptuose naudojamo teksto vertimas lietuvi kalb. Nordami jungti š vertim, local/config.php faile po eiluts XLPage('lt','PmWikiLt.XLPage');
rašykite XLPage('lt','PmWikiLt.XLPageCookbook');
Vertimas pradtas 2009-09-02, pagal XLPageCookbookTemplate. diegus PmWiki savo kompiuteryje, rekomenduojama pašalinti nenaudojam recept vertimus. ### Strings from previous PmWiki versions 'Describe $Name here.' => 'ia aprašyti $Name', 'Retrieved from $PageUrl' => 'Parsista iš $PageUrl', 'Printable View' => 'Spausdinimo vaizdas', 'Page History' => 'Puslapio istorija', 'Edit Page' => 'Redaguoti puslap', 'PmWiki.EditQuickReference' => '', 'Editing $FullName' => 'Redaguojamas $FullName', 'Preview $FullName' => 'Peržirimas $FullName', ### Strings for Cookbook/MailForm 'MFsuccess' => 'Žinut buvo skmingai išsista.', 'MFfailure' => 'Žinuts išsisti nepavyko.', 'MFerror' => 'vyko klaida.', 'From:'=> 'Nuo:', 'Your Address:'=> 'Js adresas:', 'Subject:'=> 'Tema:', 'Message:'=>'Žinut:', 'Send'=>'Sisti', ### If buttons added to GUIEdit, you may need 'Table of content' => 'Turinys', 'Underline' => 'Pabraukti', 'Insert image' => 'terpti paveiksll', 'MyImage.jpg' => ''ManoPaveikslas.jpg, 'Sticky note' => 'Lipnusis raštelis', 'Convert tabs to table' => 'Tabuliacij konvertuoti lentel', ### Strings for Cookbook/ImagesAutoResizing - addon 'Minimage' 'Upload images' => '', 'Image for' => '', 'Image to upload:' => '', 'Image wiki name:' => '', 'Step 1' => '', 'Step 2' => '', 'Image title' => '', 'Image copyright' => '', 'Ok' => '', 'Cancel' => '', 'Image special instructions' => '', 'IMGbadtype' => '<span style='color:#ff0000'> - invalid file extension</span>", 'ULnotimage' => 'File sent is not of an allowed format', 'ErrNoResize' => 'Image resizing not possible on your server', 'IMGResizeDone' => '<br /><font color="#FF0000">+Image resized, reload page and remove dimensions+</font>', 'IMGreload' => 'If wrong image, upload a new one', 'in' => '', ### Strings for Cookbook/PublishWikiTrail 'SearchFor' => '', 'Include this page' => '', 'Publish' => '', 'No pages selected' => '', ### Chaînes pour le module 'Skins/SkinConfig' 'SKNwarn' => 'After [Ok] hit \'Reload\' on your browser to see modifications', 'WHOLE WIKI' => '', 'Text' => '', 'Sidebar' => '', 'Top' => '', 'Sidebar title' => '', 'Link' => '', 'Sidebar links' => '', 'Sidebar title link' => '', 'Title' => '', 'Option' => '', 'Commands' => '', 'Footer' => '', 'Header 1' => '', 'Header 2' => '', 'Header 3' => '', 'Header 4' => '', 'Top/body' => '', 'Side margin' => '', 'Personal wiki (hide stuff)' => '', 'Apply to' => '', 'Save as' => '', 'Ok' => '', 'Default' => '', 'Color chart' => '', 'Light color' => '', 'Existing styles' => '', 'Font family' => '', 'Font size' => '', 'Main' => '', 'Line height' => '', 'Text color' => '', 'Background color' => '', 'Background image' => '', 'User default' => '', 'Serif' => '', 'Sans-serif' => '', 'Cursive' => '', 'def' => '', 'Creation of file failed' => '', 'Datas saved in file' => '', 'Click on color to select' => '', 'Width' => '', 'SideBar width' => '', 'Bottom actions' => '', 'Hide bottom actions' => '', 'Links in italic' => '', 'Links underlined' => '', 'Underline sidebar option' => '', 'Line atop sidebar option' => '', 'Sidebar link' => '', 'Sidebar link: hover' => '', 'Commands link' => '', 'Link: visited' => '', 'Link: hover' => '', 'Link underline' => '', 'Link: hover underline' => '', 'Sidebar link underline' => '', 'Sidebar link: hover underline' => '', 'Commands link underline' => '', 'Commands link:hover underline' => '', 'Link style: italic' => '', 'Link hover: italic' => '', 'Link visited: italic' => '', 'List bullet' => '', 'Main level' => '', 'Sub-level' => '', 'Sub-sub-level' => '', ###Strings for Pukka skins 'Skip to site navigation' => '', 'Skip to content' => '', 'Back to top of content' => '', 'Back to the very top' => '', 'Linked to by' => '', 'Change Attributes' => '', 'Go' => '', #go is for the button in the search form 'Home' => '', 'XML Feed for $Group' => '', 'XML Feed of All Recent Changes' => '', 'PmWiki.AboutFeeds' => '', ### Strings for commentbox 'Comment' => '', 'New entry' => '', 'Post' => '', 'Reset' => '', ## Strings for commentboxplus 'Please enter a comment to post' => 'veskite komentar', 'Please enter your name as author' => 'veskite savo vard', 'Please enter the code number' => 'veskite kod', 'Entry added' => 'rašas sukurtas', 'New entry' => 'Naujas rašas', 'Enter code' => 'veskite kod', 'Post' => 'Publikuoti', 'Reset' => 'Atšaukti', 'Comment added' => 'Komentaras pridtas', 'Add Comment' => 'Pridti komentar', 'Sign as Author' => 'Pasirašyti autoriumi', ### Strings for addon 'rename' 'Rename' => 'Pervadinti', ### Strings for addon 'DeleteAction' 'Set new delete password:' => 'Nustatyti nauj ištrynimo slaptažod', ### Strings for 'LinkPageCreateFmtTooltip' 'page not found - click link to create page' => 'puslapis nerastas - sekite nuoroda idant sukurtumte puslap', ### Strings for SectionEdit '(Edit Section ↓)' => '(Redaguoti skyri ↓)', 'Page' => 'Puslapis', 'of' => 'iš', ### translations for cookbook recipe pmwikidraw 'Create Image' => 'Sukurti piešin', 'Image history' => 'Piešinio istorija', 'Edit Image' => 'Redaguoti piešin', ### Strings for FixFlow, Gemini or Triad skins 'Source' => '', 'Backlinks' => '', 'List Group' => '', 'Group Attributes' => '', 'Editing' => '', 'Search Site' => '', 'Go' => '', 'Big View' => '', 'Normal View' => '', 'Text Size' => '', 'bigger' => '', 'default' => '', 'smaller' => '' 'Hide' => '', 'Show' => '', ### Strings for TotalCounter recipe 'statistics' => '', 'Page views' => '', 'Pages' => '', 'Percent' => '', 'Count' => '', 'Users' => '', 'Languages' => '', 'Browsers' => '', 'Operating systems' => '', 'Referers' => '', 'Locations' => '', 'Web bots' => '', ### Strings for DownloadManager recipe 'downloads' => 'parsiuntimai', ### Strings for Table Edit 'Table edit ↓' => '', 'Insert table' => '', 'Rows' => '', 'Number of rows' => '', 'Cell spacing' => '', 'Cell padding in pixels' => '', 'Width' => '', 'Table width as % of browser width' => '', 'Columns' => '', 'Number of columns' => '', 'Cell padding' => '', 'Border' => '', 'Table border width in pixels' => '', 'Table alignment' => '', 'Alignment' => '', 'Save and edit' => '', 'Save table and continue editing' => '', 'Save and quit' => '', 'Save table and return to page' => '', 'Column width (% of table width)' => '', 'Width:' => '', 'Ins' => '', 'Insert a new column to the left of this one' => '', 'Del' => '', 'Delete this column' => '', 'Are you sure you want to delete this column?' => '', 'Default alignment' => '', 'Align column left' => '', 'Align column centre' => '', 'Align column right' => '', 'Add' => '', 'Add a new column on the right hand side of this table' => '', 'Insert a new row above this one' => '', 'Delete this row' => '', 'Are you sure you want to delete this row?' => '', 'Add a new row to the bottom of this table' => '', 'table modified' => '', |